This year’s Caribbean Family reunion Picnic will also feature the Motown Cup. Come cheer the soccer teams representing Jamaica, Trinidad and Haiti!

HNGD will have a tent at the picnic. Just look for the Haitian flag and you will find us!  Please note that this is a potluck picnic; everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to share. We will have some tables to set up the food, but you need to bring a chair. For any questions, call 248-231-5767.

Ane sa a piknik Reyinyon Fanmi Karayib la pwal prezante Koup  Foutbòl Motown. Vini pou nou sipòte  ekip yo kap reprezante Jamayik, Trinidad ak Ayiti!

HNGD ap gen yon tant nan piknik la. Jis chèche drapo ayisyen an e wap jwenn nou!  Tanpri sonje ke se yon piknik pou tout moun patisipe ladan li. Pa bliye pote yon plat manje pou nou pataje ak tout moun. HNGD ak gen kèk tab pou mete manje yo, men fòk nou pote chèz pa nou. Si ou gen nenpòt kesyon ou ka rele 248-231-5767.

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